Wednesday, July 25, 2007

So unfair!

Yeah life is good alright, but for some its just the pits.

I saw a programme the other day on CNN about Criminally insane persons and one case was just so pathetic and the outcome so unnecessary.

A young man is sent for treatment by his parents, he suffers from delusions, has been known to be violent and had once turned a gun on two of his father's friends.

Despite reports by the father, the institutions said they could not compel him to take medication.

As for me the worst aspect of this case was that an advocacy group got to this boy and convinced him that he did not need to take medication if he did not want to!

This was a disturbed young man who could not control himself! The hospital also refused his parents access to his medical records.

He was released from the institution and his parents took him back. End of story? No!
One day the dad came back and found that in one of his rages he had brutally murdered his mother!

What did the advocacy group and medical personnel say? They said in essence, "We did not know it was that bad", "We could not violate his privacy rights" etc etc ad nauseam!

Who will comfort his father, who had repeatedly warned authorities that his son was unstable.

The lady died an untimely death and who is to be held responsible? The medical authorities or a meddling unqualified advocacy group who think a person's right to freedom is all that matters irrespective of other peoples' right to life and personal safety?


Like could have been much better for the young man, his parents and the society at large if the constitution could be interpreted in the spirit in which it was written rather that in the letter.

The letter kills, the spirit gives life!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hello blog lover, I'm here!


Just image me publishing on da web! Feels mighty great as a matter of fact.

I love the written word and I'll be posting some of my poems for y'all to read. Sure hope you enjoy them.

I've actually been looking for an opportunity to hone my writing skills while ventilating some of my beliefs and ideas and for me this is a great opportunity. So, you can see why I say, "life is good, bro". Enjoy today! There will never be another opportunity to do so.

The "good old days" are happening right now but somehow we miss out because we think there's something round the corner that is better. Sure, that may be so, but since you have'nt turned the bend yet, why not savour what you can of this moment right now.

I'll be back and you be good!